Jeet Rai Dutt is being discussed these days because of the film Decent
Boy, in which he played an important role of Ravi Kishan's brother.
film Decent Boy has come against the education system, which is being
liked a lot. Its main cast are Ravi Kishan, Jeet Rai Dutt, Govind
Namdev. Ravi Kishan's character in the film is negative and he wants to
build a mall on the school land. His younger brother Jeet Rai Dutt
listens to his father, Govind Namdev.
Namdev wants that the mall should not be built at that place where the
school should be built. But Jeet Rai Dutt is afraid of Ravi Kishan, if
he is a younger brother, he respects the elder brother.
According to the
business point, Ravi Kishan wants to marry his younger brother to the
sister of the second villain of the film, but Govind Namdev is against
this relationship. Ravi Kishan wants to build a mall and Govind Namdev
and Jeet Rai Dutt want to save the school, meanwhile a lovely love story
goes on.
Rai Dutt kom uit 'n eenvoudige familie. Daar is soveel drama in die
werklike lewe dat hy nie eers geweet het toe hy by toneelspel kom nie.
Sy eerste rolprent as akteur was Commando 2. Het ook 'n Suid-film
gedoen, daarna het die films begin word. Hy hou altyd sy rol in gedagte.
Die voorbereiding daarvan begin 1 maand voor die skiet. Toneelspel is
alles vir hom. Behalwe Commando 2, is baie van sy rolprente soos
Sabrang, The Past, Prema Barha, Mimi, Maxi, Shonaya, Scary Forest en
Decent Boy vrygestel.
name van Zehan, Kick Boxer, Nari, Pap Culture is opvallend in haar
komende projekte. Om sy aanhangers te bedank, sรช hy: "Hulle is lief vir
my en is lief vir my werk, dit inspireer my om meer te doen."
gunsteling Bollywood-akteurs is Devanand, Guru Dutt, Dharmendra en
Rajesh Khanna, by wie hy inspirasie vir toneelspel kry.Sy gunsteling
Bollywood-regisseurs is Om Prakash Mehra, Raja Mouli, Vishal Bhardwaj en
Anurag Basu, saam met wie hy wil werk
Deesdae word baie webreekse gemaak, hy het ook in baie reekse opgetree, insluitend The Paradox, Game of Murder, Hacker.